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Bronze Age Women
Image by Hans Splinter

Bronze Age Women

Modern re-enactment of Bronze Age life.
The Historic Women's Suffrage March on Washington - Michelle Mehrtens
Video by TED-Ed

The Historic Women's Suffrage March on Washington - Michelle Mehrtens

Explore how the Women’s Suffrage Parade on Washington in 1913 helped women secure the right to vote in the United States through the 19th amendment. On March 3, 1913, after months of strategic planning and controversy, thousands of women...
The Lives of Ancient Roman Women
Video by Kelly Macquire

The Lives of Ancient Roman Women

The lives of ancient Roman women and the exact roles played by them both in ancient Rome and all throughout the ancient world are pretty obscure, due to the focus of both the ancient male writers, and the nineteenth and twentieth-century...
The Japanese Heian Period: Court Women
Video by Codie Marie Gonzales

The Japanese Heian Period: Court Women

This video explains how court women lived during the Heian period in Japan.
Influential Imperial Women of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty
Video by Kelly Macquire

Influential Imperial Women of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty

There were many famous women in Rome’s history from the early Kingdom of Rome through the Roman Republic but among the best known are those of the Roman Empire and, among these, the women of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty - the first dynasty...
White Buffalo Calf Women's Society Takes a Stand against Domestic Violence
Video by National Indigenous Times News

White Buffalo Calf Women's Society Takes a Stand against Domestic Violence

For 45 years, the White Buffalo Calf Women's Society has aided vulnerable women and children in South Dakota, tackling domestic violence and related issues, while highlighting the ongoing need for funding and collaboration in Tribal communities...
The Lives of Women in Ancient China
Video by Kelly Macquire

The Lives of Women in Ancient China

In Ancient China, it was widely known that it was better to be born a male than a female. To be born a female meant being subordinate to one’s father, then to one’s husband and if a wife became a widow, then she would be subordinate to her...
Did Viking Women Really Go to War?
Video by Irina Manea

Did Viking Women Really Go to War?

Did Viking women really go to war, even leading warriors in campaigns, as often portrayed today in films and games? It strikes me as a bit over the top and I will explain why I don't find the idea of shieldmaiden that convincing, using both...
Faces of Ancient Near Eastern Women
Video by El Cid Al-Moussawi

Faces of Ancient Near Eastern Women

This video is a slideshow of pictures of various artifacts and artworks that detail the visage of ancient Near Eastern women, most of which are royalty. Locations include: Mesopotamia (Sumer and Akkad), Arabia, Phoenicia (Lebanon) and Elam...
White Buffalo Calf Women's Society Offers Shelter
Video by KELOLAND News

White Buffalo Calf Women's Society Offers Shelter

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