Search Results: Roman Mosaic


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Definition by Mark Cartwright


Mosaics are designs and images created using small pieces (tesserae) of stone or other materials which have been used to decorate floors, walls, ceilings, and precious objects since before written records began. Like pottery, mosaics have...
Ancient Cyprus: A Travel Guide
Article by Carole Raddato

Ancient Cyprus: A Travel Guide

Lying at the crossroads of the eastern Mediterranean, the island of Cyprus has long been a meeting point for many of the world's great civilizations. Situated where Europe, Asia and Africa meet, its location shaped its history of bringing...
Roman Mosaic of the Evil Eye
Image by Carole Raddato

Roman Mosaic of the Evil Eye

Roman mosaic of the Evil Eye from Antioch. The eye is pierced by a trident and sword, pecked by a raven, barked at by a dog, and attacked by a centipede, scorpion, cat, and snake. A horned dwarf with a gigantic phallus crosses two sticks...
Roman Mosaic Showing the Transport of an Elephant
Image by Carole Raddato

Roman Mosaic Showing the Transport of an Elephant

Roman mosaic from Veii (Isola Farnese, Italy) depicting an African elephant being loaded onto a ship, 3rd-4th century CE. Now in Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe, Germany.
Roman Mosaic Floor, Mediolanum
Image by Mark Cartwright

Roman Mosaic Floor, Mediolanum

Coloured stone Roman mosaic flooring from Mediolanum (modern Milan), 2nd to 3rd century CE. (Archaeological Museum, Milan)
Roman Mosaic Fragment of St. Joseph
Image by James Blake Wiener

Roman Mosaic Fragment of St. Joseph

Mosaic fragment of St. Joseph done by an artist in Rome, Italy. Tesserae and stone, c. 600-725 CE. (Pushkin Museum, Moscow)
Roman Mosaic of Winter
Image by James Blake Wiener

Roman Mosaic of Winter

This mosaic is made of limestone and marble, and it dates from the 4th century CE. It was found at Quintana del Marco (León), Spain. (Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Madrid)
Roman Mosaic with Partridges
Image by James Blake Wiener

Roman Mosaic with Partridges

This mosaic is made from limestone and marble, and it dates from the 4th century CE. It was found at Quintana del Marco (León), Spain. (Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Madrid)
Visitor's Guide to Ancient Dion
Article by TimeTravelRome

Visitor's Guide to Ancient Dion

Dion is located at the foot of Mount Olympus in the north of Greece, in what would have been ancient Macedon. It takes its name from the most important Macedonian sanctuary dedicated to Zeus ("Dios” meaning "of Zeus”). Legend claims this...
Roman Mosaic of Ptolemaic Soldiers
Image by Camelia.boban

Roman Mosaic of Ptolemaic Soldiers

This scene is part of the Nile mosaic of Palestrina (c. 100 BCE), found in Palestrina, Italy. It portrays a group of Ptolemaic Greek soldiers in Egypt on the banks of the Nile. The soldiers are clad in typical Hellenistic equipment including...