Search Results: Sengoku Period


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Sengoku Period
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Sengoku Period

The Sengoku Period (Sengoku Jidai, 1467-1568 CE), also known as the Warring States Period, was a turbulent and violent period of Japanese history when rival warlords or daimyo fought bitterly for control of Japan. The period falls within...
Samurai Armour, Sengoku Period
Image by Vassil

Samurai Armour, Sengoku Period

Samurai facemask and armour from the Sengoku period (Warring States Period), 1467-1568 CE. (Ann and Gabriel Barbier-Mueller Museum, Dallas, USA)
Muromachi Period
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Muromachi Period

The Muromachi Period (Muromachi Jidai, 1333-1573 CE) refers to the period of Japanese medieval history when the Ashikaga shogun capital was located in the Muromachi area of Heiankyo (Kyoto). Replacing the Kamakura Shogunate (1192-1333 CE...
Sengoku Jidai - Japanese Civil War Era
Video by Miro Haverinen

Sengoku Jidai - Japanese Civil War Era

The Sengoku Period (Sengoku Jidai, 1467-1568 CE), also known as the Warring States Period, was a turbulent and violent period of Japanese history when rival warlords or daimyo fought bitterly for control of Japan.
Medieval Japan
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Medieval Japan

The medieval period of Japan is considered by most historians to stretch from 1185 to 1603 CE. Stand out features of the period include the replacement of the aristocracy by the samurai class as the most powerful social group, the establishment...
Tokugawa Ieyasu
Definition by Graham Squires

Tokugawa Ieyasu

Tokugawa Ieyasu (1543-1616) was a Japanese military leader who reunified Japan at the beginning of the 17th century after a long period of civil war, known as the Warring States or Sengoku period. He created a new government controlled by...
Japanese Castles
Article by Graham Squires

Japanese Castles

Fortifications of one kind or another had been used in Japan since ancient times, but in the period from 1576 until 1639, a new and distinctive style of castle was constructed. Rather than being used for fighting, these were impressive structures...
Definition by Mark Cartwright


The shoguns of medieval Japan were military dictators who ruled the country via a feudal system where a vassal's military service and loyalty was given in return for a lord's patronage. Established as an institution by the first shogun proper...
Azuchi-Momoyama Period
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Azuchi-Momoyama Period

The Azuchi-Momoyama Period (Azuchi-Momoyama Jidai, aka Shokuho Period, 1568/73 - 1600 CE) was a brief but significant period of medieval Japan's history which saw the country unified after centuries of a weak central government and petty...
Edo Castle
Definition by Graham Squires

Edo Castle

Edo Castle was a large castle built by the Tokugawa family in 17th-century Japan. It served as their seat of government for more than 260 years. After the Meiji Restoration of 1868, Edo became the capital of Japan and was renamed Tokyo. Edo...