Search Results: Vasco da Gama


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Vasco da Gama
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Vasco da Gama

Vasco da Gama (c. 1469-1524) was a Portuguese navigator who, in 1497-9, sailed around the Cape of Good Hope in southern Africa and arrived at Calicut (now Kozhikode) on the south-west coast of India. This was the first direct voyage from...
The Portuguese Conquest of India
Article by James Hancock

The Portuguese Conquest of India

Throughout the 15th century, the Portuguese Crown yearned for a piece of the Far Eastern spice trade. For centuries this trade had been dominated by the Venetians who obtained pepper, cloves, nutmeg, ginger and cinnamon from their Middle...
Portuguese Cochin
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Portuguese Cochin

Cochin, located on the southwest coast of India, was a Portuguese colony from 1503 to 1663. Known to the Portuguese as Cochim, it was one of several important cities on India’s Malabar Coast and a great trade centre for spices like pepper...
Vasco da Gama Portrait
Image by Sailko

Vasco da Gama Portrait

A 16th century portrait of the Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama (c. 1469-1525). He was the first European to sail directly from Europe to India via the Cape of Good Hope, a voyage taken in 1497-9. (National Museum of Ancient Art, Lisbon)
Vasco Núñez de Balboa
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Vasco Núñez de Balboa

Vasco Núñez de Balboa (1475-1519) was a Spanish conquistador who famously discovered the Pacific Ocean after crossing the isthmus of Panama in 1513. An utterly ruthless adventurer and colonizer, Balboa was as much a danger to his fellow conquistadors...
Vasco da Gama Arriving at Calicut, India
Image by Roque Gameiro

Vasco da Gama Arriving at Calicut, India

A c. 1900 painting by Alfredo Roque Gameiro showing the arrival of the Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama (c. 1469-1525) at Calicut in India. He was the first European to sail directly from Europe to India via the Cape of Good Hope, a voyage...
Vasco da Gama as Viceroy
Image by Unknown Artist

Vasco da Gama as Viceroy

An illustration of the Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama (c. 1469-1524) as the viceroy of Portuguese India, an appointment made in 1524. (Livro de Lisuarte de Abreu, Pierpont Morgan Library, M.525)
Vasco da Gama Departing Lisbon
Image by Alfredo Roque Gameiro

Vasco da Gama Departing Lisbon

A c. 1900 painting by Alfredo Roque Gameiro showing the departure of the Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama (c. 1469-1525) from Lisbon. He was the first European to sail directly from Europe to India via the Cape of Good Hope, a voyage taken...
Vasco da Gama: Portuguese Explorer - Fast Facts | History
Video by HISTORY

Vasco da Gama: Portuguese Explorer - Fast Facts | History

Nobleman and explorer Vasco da Gama established a trade route that linked Portugal directly with the Indian spice market. Learn how he managed to sail around Africa's Cape of Good Hope in this video. #Biography Subscribe for more from HISTORY...
Opening the Way to India
Article by Sanujit

Opening the Way to India

Possibly being overjoyed by the tales of mythical exploits of Heracles, Semiramis, the fabled queen of Assyria, Cyrus, King of Persia and so on, Alexander the Great set out from the tiny kingdom of Macedon for a daring adventure, unheard...