Search Results: Hecuba


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Definition by Mark Cartwright


Euripides (c. 484-407 BCE) was one of the greatest authors of Greek tragedy. In 5th century BCE Athens his classic works such as Medeia cemented his reputation for clever dialogues, fine choral lyrics and a gritty realism in both his text...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Oenone was a nymph in Greek Mythology, the daughter of the river god Cebren and sister of the nymph Asterope/Hesperia. She was given the gift of prophecy by Rhea (mother of the gods) and the gift of healing by Apollo. Her name comes from...
Head of a Statue of Paris
Image by Liana Miate

Head of a Statue of Paris

Paris, son of Troy's King Priam and Hecuba, is wearing a Phrygian cap, the characteristic headgear of shepherds. According to the myth, an interpreter of dreams foretold that the child of Hecuba would bring the destruction of Troy and must...
The Pythia – Priestess of Ancient Delphi
Article by Brian Haughton

The Pythia – Priestess of Ancient Delphi

The imposing archaeological site of Delphi sits over 1800 feet up on the south-western spur of Mount Parnassus, about 6 miles inland from the Corinthian Gulf, central Greece. The ancient temple complex of Delphi, which dates back at least...
Terracotta Bust of an Underworld Goddess from Pella
Image by Nathalie Choubineh

Terracotta Bust of an Underworld Goddess from Pella

Terracotta bust of an underworld goddess from Pella, mid-4th century BCE. Archaeological Museum of Pella, North Macedonia. The ancient city of Pella, the second capital of the ancient Kingdom of Macedonia, was the birthplace...
Lekythos with the Ransom of Hector Scene
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Lekythos with the Ransom of Hector Scene

Oil, especially olive oil, was stored in specialized Greek pottery; lekythos (pleural, lekythoi). Many lekythoi were found inside tombs; they were used to anoint the dead bodies of single men. Mainly dull red and black paints were used by...
Women at War in the Classical World
Book Review ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ by Jessica Settergren

Women at War in the Classical World

Classical history tends to focus on the big-ticket war stories: Hannibal crossing the Alps, Alexander conquering Persia, Achilles and Hector's final epic battle at Troy or Caesar defeating the Gauls. War has historically been a man's world...