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Definition by Joshua J. Mark


The Picts were a people of northern Scotland who are defined as a "confederation of tribal units whose political motivations derived from a need to ally against common enemies" (McHardy, 176). They were not a single tribe, nor necessarily...
Drust I
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Drust I

Drust I (also known as Drest I, Drest son of Irb, and Drest son of Erb) was an early king of the Picts known as "The King of One Hundred Battles" that he seems to have been victorious in. His reign is given as 406-451 CE, 413-451 CE, 424-451...
Interview: Gods of Thunder by Tim Pauketat
Interview by Kelly Macquire

Interview: Gods of Thunder by Tim Pauketat

Join World History Encyclopedia as they chat with Tim Pauketat all about his new book Gods of Thunder: How Climate Change, Travel, and Spirituality Reshaped Precolonial America, published by Oxford University Press. Kelly: Thank you...
The Battle of Dun Nectain
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

The Battle of Dun Nectain

The Battle of Dun Nechtain (also known as The Battle of Dunnichen, The Battle of Nechtanemere, Lin Garan, and The Battle of Nechtan) was a pivotal engagement between the Northumbrians under their king Ecgfrith and the Picts under the leadership...
Tacitus' Account of The Battle of Mons Graupius
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Tacitus' Account of The Battle of Mons Graupius

The Battle of Mons Graupius was fought in 83 CE between the invading forces of Rome, under the general Agricola, and the Picts, the indigenous people of modern-day Scotland, under their leader Calgacus. The only account of the battle is found...
Jacques-Pierre Brissot
Definition by Harrison W. Mark

Jacques-Pierre Brissot

Jacques-Pierre Brissot de Warville (1754-1793) was a French journalist, abolitionist, and politician who played a prominent role in the French Revolution (1789-1799). A leader of the Girondins, a moderate political faction, Brissot was instrumental...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Vortigern was a 5th-century British ruler best known for inviting the Saxons to Britain to stop the incursions of the Picts and Scots and allowing them to take control of the land. 'Vortigern' is a title, not a given name, and means 'Great...
Ancient Scotland
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Ancient Scotland

Scotland is a country which, today, comprises the northern part of Great Britain and includes the islands known as the Hebrides and the Orkneys. The name derives from the Roman word "Scotti" which designated an Irish tribe who invaded the...
Tim Pauketat
Image by Tim Pauketat

Tim Pauketat

Tim Pauketat, author of Gods of Thunder: How Climate Change, Travel, and Spirituality Reshaped Precolonial America.
Music & Creativity in Ancient Greece - Tim Hansen
Video by TED-Ed

Music & Creativity in Ancient Greece - Tim Hansen

View full lesson: You think you love music? You have nothing on the Ancient Greek obsession. Every aspect of Greek life was punctuated by song: history, poetry...