Search Results: Pier paolo battistelli


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Paolo Uccello
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Paolo Uccello

Paolo Uccello (1397-1475 CE), real name Paolo di Dono, was an Italian painter who is considered one of the founding fathers of Florentine Renaissance art. Uccello was one of the earliest artists to attempt certain tricks of perspective in...
Doolin Pier, County Clare, Ireland
Image by Betsy Mark

Doolin Pier, County Clare, Ireland

Doolin Pier, Village of Doolin, County Clare, Ireland. From this point, ships would depart for the Aran Islands. A number of famous writers frequented Doolin and, among them, the great Irish writer John Millington Synge (best known for Playboy...
Hunt in the Forest by Paolo Uccello
Image by Paolo Uccello

Hunt in the Forest by Paolo Uccello

"Hunt in the Forest" (aka "The Hunt by Night" or "Caccia Notturna" in Italian) was painted c. 1470 CE by Paolo Uccello (1395 - 1475 CE). The painting depicts several mounted and unmounted figures charging into the woods, accompanied by dogs...
Cliffs, Caves, Churches: A Weekend in Doolin, Ireland
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Cliffs, Caves, Churches: A Weekend in Doolin, Ireland

County Clare, Ireland, is best known for the Cliffs of Moher, the ancient dolmen of Poulnabrone, and its rich musical heritage, but it offers many other fascinating sites and, most importantly, the hospitality and warmth of the people in...
Andrea Mantegna
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Andrea Mantegna

Andrea Mantegna (c. 1431-1506 CE) was an Italian Renaissance artist most famous for his use of foreshortening and other perspective techniques in engravings, paintings, and frescoes. Another common feature of Mantegna's work is his frequent...
The Temple of the Emerald Buddha
Article by Kim Martins

The Temple of the Emerald Buddha

A small carved figurine sits high on a grand multi-tiered pedestal in a magnificent wat (temple) in Bangkok, Thailand. It has been sitting there since 1784 CE and was originally thought to be made of emerald. Hundreds of tourists and pilgrims...
Arch of Janus
Article by Mark Cartwright

Arch of Janus

The Arch of Janus, erected in the 4th century CE, stands in the forum Boarium of Rome and was most probably set up as a boundary-marker rather than a commemorative triumphal arch. The four-way marble arch stands over the Cloaca Maxima or...
Life in a Renaissance Artist's Workshop
Article by Mark Cartwright

Life in a Renaissance Artist's Workshop

The majority of great Renaissance works of art were produced in large and busy workshops run by a successful master artist and his team of assistants and apprentices. Here, too, more mundane art was produced in larger quantities to meet the...
Benvenuto Cellini
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Benvenuto Cellini

Benvenuto Cellini (1500-1571 CE) was an Italian Renaissance sculptor, medallist, and goldsmith whose most famous works today include the bronze statue of Perseus holding the head of Medusa, which now stands in Florence, and a magnificent...
Lorenzo Ghiberti
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Lorenzo Ghiberti

Lorenzo Ghiberti (1378-1455 CE) was an Italian Renaissance sculptor and goldsmith whose most famous work is the gilded bronze doors of the Baptistery of Florence's cathedral. These doors, which took 27 years to complete, were so impressive...