Abd al-Rahman III was an Umayyad prince who reigned as Emir of Cordoba, and later Caliph of Cordoba, from 912 to 961 CE. His reign is remembered as a golden age of Muslim Spain and Umayyad rule, epitomized by his declaration of the second Umayyad Caliphate in 929 CE. He re-established one unified Muslim state in Spain and presided over the expansion of his capital at Cordoba as well as the founding of the impressive caliphal palace at Madinat al-Zahra.
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18 Dec 890Abd al-Rahman III is born in Cordoba.
912Death of 'Abd Allah, Emir of Cordoba.
912 - 961Reign of Abd al-Rahman III.
912Abd al-Rahman III becomes the Emir of Cordoba.
915The autonomous Muslim leader Umar ibn Hafsun surrenders to the Umayyad forces of Abd al-Rahman III.
916Abd al-Rahman III leads a campaign against the Kingdom of León.
924Umayyad forces sack the Navarrese capital of Pamplona.
928The rebel city of Bobastro falls to Abd al-Rahman III.
929Abd al-Rahman III retakes the Lower March, including the city of Merida.
929Abd al-Rahman III declares himself caliph, transforming the Emirate of Cordoba into the Caliphate of Cordoba.
932Abd al-Rahman III retakes the city of Toledo from its regional warlord.
934Abd al-Rahman III leads a northern campaign against Zaragoza, Navarre, and León and receives the submission of Navarre.
936Abd al-Rahman III establishes the new Umayyad palace of Madinat al-Zahra outside of Cordoba.
937Abd al-Rahman III retakes the city of Zaragoza from its autonomous ruler, Muhammad ibn Hashim al-Tujibi.
939Leónese forces defeat the Umayyads at the Battle of Simancas (also known as the Battle of Alhandega).
940Peace treaty between the Caliphate of Cordoba and the Kingdom of León.
950Barcelona becomes a vassal of Abd al-Rahman III of Cordoba.
957Umayyad forces raid Navarre and León.
958The kings of Navarre and León become vassals of Abd al-Rahman III.
961Abd al-Rahman III dies.