Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) was the dictator of Nazi Germany from 1933. He gained power by making popular promises like improving Germany's economy and status in Europe, but when he took these policies too far, he was responsible more than anything else for starting the Second World War (1939-45). Germany lost the war, and Hitler committed suicide in April 1945.
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20 Apr 1889Adolf Hitler is born in Braunau am Inn, Austria.
1907Adolf Hitler fails the entrance exam to Vienna's Academy of Fine Arts.
1908 - 1913Adolf Hitler lives in Vienna.
1913Adolf Hitler moves to Munich, Germany.
1914Adolf Hitler joins the Bavarian Army and serves as a messenger in WWI. He wins two Iron Cross medals.
1918Adolf Hitler begins work as a lecturer in the Germany Army.
1920Adolf Hitler joins the German Workers Party and then renames it the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazi Party).
1921Adolf Hitler becomes leader of the German Nazi Party.
Feb 1924Trial begins of Adolf Hitler. He is found guilty of treason for the Beer Hall Putsch and sentenced to five years in prison.
1925Adolf Hitler publishes his book Mein Kampf.
1925Adolf Hitler rents a villa, the Berghof, near Berchtesgaden in Bavaria. He later buys and develops the property, using it as his private retreat.
1925Adolf Hitler creates a new paramilitary group, the Schutzstaffel or SS, to rival the Sturmabteilung or SA.
1928Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party wins 12 seats in the Reichstag Parliament.
1930Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party wins 107 seats in the Reichstag Parliament.
1932Adolf Hitler begins his life-long relationship with Eva Braun.
Jul 1932Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party wins 230 seats in the Reichstag Parliament.
Nov 1932Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party wins 196 seats in the Reichstag Parliament.
Jan 1933President Paul von Hindenburg appoints Adolf Hitler chancellor and he leads a coalition government.
27 Feb 1933The Reichstag Fire, likely caused by either a communist anarchist or members of the Strumabteilung (SA), the paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party.
28 Feb 1933Adolf Hitler passes the Reichstag Decree which declares martial law and gives great new policing powers to the state.
5 Mar 1933The Nazi party (NSDAP) wins 44% of the seats in Germany's national elections.
23 Mar 1933The Enabling Act is passed which allows Adolf Hitler to by-pass the German parliament.
30 Jun 1934The Night of the Long Knives when Adolf Hitler purges the Sturmabteilung (SA) Nazi paramilitary group.
15 Sep 1935The Nuremberg Laws, which severely restrict the rights of Jews, are created in Nazi Germany.
12 Mar 1938German troops march into Austria and, unopposed, the Anschluss is established.
15 Sep 1938Neville Chamberlain meets Adolf Hitler in Bavaria to discuss the fate of the Czech Sudetenland.
22 Sep 1938Neville Chamberlain meets Adolf Hitler on the Rhine to further discuss the fate of the Czech Sudetenland.
30 Sep 1938Britain, France, Italy, and Germany sign the Munich Agreement which gives the Czech Sudetenland to Germany.
5 Oct 1938The Czech Sudetenland is absorbed into the Third Reich.
9 Nov 1938 - 10 Nov 1938Kristallnacht, the pogrom against Jews in Nazi Germany and Austria.
15 Mar 1939Nazi Germany occupies what remains of Czechoslovakia.
Aug 1939A series of agreements between Germany and the USSR, known as the Nazi-Soviet Pact, carves up Europe between the two states, and both promise not to attack the other.
1 Sep 1939Nazi Germany invades Poland, starting WWII.
20 Jul 1944A plot led by Claus von Stauffenberg to assassinate Adolf Hitler fails.
29 Apr 1945Adolf Hitler marries Eva Braun.
30 Apr 1945Adolf Hitler commits suicide in his Berlin bunker.