Alexander Hamilton (1755/57-1804) was a lawyer and politician, often recognized as a Founding Father of the United States. He served as George Washington's aide-de-camp during the American Revolution, before going on to become the first US secretary of the treasury and a leader of the Federalist Party. He was mortally wounded in a duel with Aaron Burr in July 1804.
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11 Jan 1755Alexander Hamilton is likely born on this date, on the island of Nevis in the British West Indies.
c. 1765James Hamilton, father of Alexander Hamilton, abandons his family.
19 Feb 1768Rachel Faucette Lavien, mother of Alexander Hamilton, dies of yellow fever.
Oct 1772Alexander Hamilton lands in Boston to begin his collegiate education.
Aug 1775Alexander Hamilton and the 'Hearts of Oak' seize ten British guns to fire at HMS Asia, off the coast of Manhattan.
Aug 1776 - Jan 1777Captain Alexander Hamilton's artillery serves as a rearguard while the Continental Army retreats during the New York and New Jersey Campaign.
20 Jan 1777Alexander Hamilton becomes aide-de-camp to General George Washington.
14 Dec 1780Alexander Hamilton marries Elizabeth Schuyler.
14 Oct 1781Colonel Alexander Hamilton leads 400 men in a nighttime assault on Redoubt No. 10 during the Siege of Yorktown.
Nov 1782 - Jul 1783Alexander Hamilton serves in the Confederation Congress as a delegate from New York, becomes disillusioned with the Articles of Confederation.
1782Colonel John Laurens is killed in a minor skirmish .
11 Sep 1786 - 14 Sep 1786The Annapolis Convention recommends that the Articles of Confederation be amended or replaced; their resolution is written by Alexander Hamilton.
18 Jun 1787Alexander Hamilton gives a speech supporting an elective monarchy at the Constitutional Convention.
Oct 1787 - May 1788The Federalist Papers are written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay under the pseudonym 'Publius', in support of the ratification of the US Constitution.
11 Sep 1789Alexander Hamilton is appointed first secretary of the treasury in the Washington Administration.
14 Jan 1790Alexander Hamilton submits his first 'Report on Public Credit' in which he recommends the national government assume state debts.
14 Dec 1790Alexander Hamilton's 'Report on a National Bank' is submitted to Congress, resulting in a national bank.
Oct 1794The Whiskey Rebellion is crushed by a federalized militia put together by President George Washington and Secretary Alexander Hamilton.
31 Jan 1795Alexander Hamilton resigns from George Washington's cabinet.
Nov 1796 - Dec 1796Alexander Hamilton tries to manipulate the US presidential election of 1796, fails to prevent the election of John Adams.
Jul 1797Alexander Hamilton becomes embroiled in the Reynolds Affair, the first sex scandal in US political history.
18 Jul 1798 - 15 Jun 1800Alexander Hamilton serves as inspector general of the US Army, prepares for a potential war with France.
Feb 1801Alexander Hamilton influences the US presidential election of 1800, convincing the Federalist House of Representatives to vote for Jefferson over Burr as the 'lesser of two evils'.
24 Nov 180119-year-old Philip Hamilton is killed in a duel while defending his father's honor.
11 Jul 1804Alexander Hamilton is mortally wounded in a duel with Aaron Burr, dies the next day.