

Auschwitz was a concentration and extermination camp in German-occupied Poland operated by the Nazi SS from 1940 to 1945. Around 1.1 million people died at the Auschwitz complex from overwork, malnutrition, disease, and in the gas chambers. Jewish people made up the vast majority of those who were killed.

More about: Auschwitz


  • Jun 1940 - Jan 1945
    The Nazi Auschwitz concentration camp is in operation.
  • Mar 1942
    The Nazi-run Auschwitz camp begins to mass-murder Jewish and other prisoners using gas chambers.
  • 1943
    Josef Mengele joins the medical staff at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.
  • Oct 1944
    A group of prisoners at the Nazi Auschwitz death camp manage to damage one of the gas chambers.
  • 27 Jan 1945
    Armed forces of the USSR liberate the Nazi Auschwitz concentration camps.