The religion of the Aztec civilization which flourished in ancient Mesoamerica (1345-1521 CE) has gained an infamous reputation for bloodthirsty human sacrifice with lurid tales of the beating heart being ripped from the still-conscious victim, decapitation, skinning and dismemberment. All of these things did happen but it is important to remember that for the Aztecs the act of sacrifice - of which human sacrifice was only a part - was a strictly ritualised process which gave the highest possible honour to the gods and was regarded as a necessity to ensure mankind's continued prosperity.
More about: Aztec SacrificeDefinition
c. 1345 - 1521The Aztec civilization flourishes in Mesoamerica.
1351New Fire Ceremony celebrated by the Aztecs.
1403New Fire Ceremony celebrated by the Aztecs.
1455New Fire Ceremony celebrated by the Aztecs.
1487The Templo Mayor is completed at Tenochtitlan and inaugurated with the sacrifice of 20,000 captives.
1507New Fire Ceremony celebrated by the Aztecs.