Aztec Warfare

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The Aztecs engaged in warfare (yaoyotl) to acquire territory, resources, quash rebellions, and to collect sacrificial victims to honour their gods. Warfare was a fundamental part of Aztec culture with all males expected to actively participate and battle, referred to in Nahuatl poetry as 'the song of shields', was regarded as a perpetual religious and political necessity.

More about: Aztec Warfare


  • c. 1345 - 1521
    The Aztec civilization flourishes in Mesoamerica.
  • 1418
    Texcoco is temporarily conquered by Mexica and Tepanec forces.
  • 1428
    The Triple Alliance is formed between Tenochtitlan, Texcoco and Tlacopan.
  • c. 1450
    The Aztecs establish a garrison at Mitla in the Oaxaca Valley.
  • c. 1485
    The Stone of Tizoc is carved depicting the Aztec king Tizoc attacking warriors from the Matlatzinca.
  • 1487
    The Templo Mayor is completed at Tenochtitlan and inaugurated with the sacrifice of 20,000 captives.
  • c. 1494
    Aztec leader Ahuitzotl conquers the central valleys of Oaxaca.
  • c. 1499
    Aztec leader Ahuitzotl conquers the Soconusco region.
  • c. 1507
    The Throne of Motecuhzoma II is carved. Also known as the Monument of Sacred War.
  • 1521
    Texcoco provides ships and men to aide the Spanish siege of Tenochtitlan.
  • 13 Aug 1521
    The Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan falls into the hands of Spanish forces led by Hernán Cortés.