c. 6200 BCEFirst copper smelting in Anatolia.
3800 BCEEarliest bronze working.
3650 BCEInvention of the wheel.
3500 BCEFarming has spread across Europe.
3400 BCEPriests become the rulers of Mesopotamian cities.
c. 3000 BCEFirst habitation of Epidaurus site.
3000 BCE - 2550 BCETroy I - First stone-walled village settlement
3000 BCE - 2200 BCEThe first archaeological evidence of organised communities in the Cyclades.
3000 BCE - 2000 BCEDistinctive minimalistic standing marble figurines are produced in the Cyclades.
3000 BCEFirst evidence of habitation at Thebes.
c. 3000 BCEFirst Bronze Age settlement in Jerusalem.
2800 BCE - 1900 BCEBell beaker culture in western Europe.
2550 BCE - 2300 BCETroy II - origin of gold 'treasure' found by Schliemann
2500 BCE - 1100 BCEBronze Age in Cyprus.
2300 BCEBronze is used in the Aegean.
2300 BCE - 1750 BCETroy III - Troy V
2200 BCE - 1700 BCEEvidence of town planning and more sophisticated architecture in the Cylades.
2100 BCEZiggurats in use in Sumerian cities of Eridu, Uruk, Ur, Nippur and elsewhere
c. 2000 BCEPottery wheel introduced to Minoan civilization on Crete.
2000 BCEEarly Greeks settle the Peloponnese.
2000 BCEDomesticated horses introduced in Mesopotamia.
2000 BCE - 1500 BCEWessex culture introduces bronze working to Britain.
c. 2000 BCE - c. 1400 BCEEarly Bronze Age in Scotland.
c. 2000 BCEBronze Age begins in Northern Europe.
c. 2000 BCEAkrotiri becomes an important Aegean trading centre.
2000 BCE - 1650 BCEAkrotiri on Thera reaches its peak of prosperity and becomes a flourishing Mediterranean trading centre.
2000 BCEFirst shaft graves at Thebes.
1894 BCEAmorite dynasty established in Babylon.
1850 BCE - 1550 BCEPhaistos disk manufactured on Crete.
1800 BCEBronze working introduced to Egypt.
1795 BCE - 1750 BCEReign of Hammurabi, king of Babylon.
1787 BCEHammurabi of Babylon conquers Uruk and Isin.
c. 1772 BCEThe Code of Hammurabi: One of the earliest codes of law in the world.
c. 1760 BCE - c. 1757 BCEHammurabi of Babylon destroys the city of Mari. The people of Mari are spared according to Hammurabi.
1750 BCE - 1300 BCETroy VI - probable Troy of Homer's Iliad. City at its zenith.
1700 BCE - 1400 BCEThe culture in the Cyclades is increasingly influenced by Minoan Crete.
1680 BCEHurrians occupy Assyria.
1650 BCE - 1550 BCEEruption of Thera and consequent tidal waves, destruction of Akrotiri and other Aegean centres.
c. 1600 BCERhodes has significant contact with Minoan Crete.
c. 1600 BCE - c. 1550 BCEThe palace at Tel Kabri is destroyed and the site is abandoned for the rest of the Bronze Age.
1595 BCEKing Mursilis of the Hittites sacks Babylon. Begin of Babylonian "dark ages."
1550 BCEThe Hurrian kingdom of Mitanni is founded.
1504 BCE - 1492 BCEEgyptian empire reaches greatest extent under Thutmose I.
1500 BCEPastoral farming spreads across Eurasian steppes.
1500 BCEEgyptian empire extends to the Euphrates.
1500 BCE - 1300 BCEMycenaean Thebes at its peak of prosperity and influence.
1500 BCEThe site of Delphi is first settled.
1472 BCEMittani annexes Assyria.
c. 1450 BCEMycenaean monumental architecture first appears at Epidaurus.
c. 1450 BCE - 1200 BCEThe city of Ugarit flourishes.
c. 1400 BCERhodes has significant contact with the Mycenaean civilization.
1400 BCEAssyria regains its independence.
c. 1400 BCE - c. 900 BCEMiddle Bronze Age in Scotland.
1400 BCE - 1100 BCECulture in the Cyclades is increasingly influenced by the Mycenaean civilization of mainland Greece.
1330 BCE - 1300 BCESinking of the Uluburun shipwreck off the coast of Lycia.
c. 1321 BCEWestern Mittani is conquered by the Hittites.
1300 BCE - 950 BCETroy VIIa - VIIb Notable decline in architectural and artisitic standards
1250 BCE - 1200 BCEMycenaean chamber tombs constructed at Thebes.
c. 1200 BCE - c. 1100 BCEMycenaean Epidaurus at its peak of prosperity.
1100 BCEHillforts in western Europe.
c. 1100 BCEEvidence of settlement destruction and abandonment across the Cyclades.
c. 900 BCE - c. 400 BCELate Bronze Age in Scotland.