Champ de Mars Massacre


The Champ de Mars Massacre was an incident that took place on 17 July 1791, when soldiers of the National Guard under the Marquis de Lafayette opened fire on a crowd of demonstrators, who were calling for a referendum on the king's abdication and the establishment of a republic. It was a major turning point in the French Revolution (1789-99).

More about: Champ de Mars Massacre


  • 17 Jul 1791
    A pro-republican demonstration organized by the Cordeliers Club is fired on by the Paris National Guard, in the Champ de Mars Massacre.
  • 17 Jul 1791
    The Parisian National Guard opens fire on a crowd of demonstrators on the Champ de Mars, who had been advocating for the king's abdication; between 13 and 50 people are killed.