Chan Chan (Chimor) was the capital city of the Chimu civilization which flourished on the northern coast of Peru between the 12th and 15th centuries CE. The city was a giant metropolis populated by peoples from across the Chimu Empire, the largest the Americas had ever seen up to that time. Today, many of Chan Chan's huge palace complexes with their high relief-decorated adobe walls still survive as testimony to the city's lost grandeur. Chan Chan is listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.
More about: Chan ChanDefinition
c. 1100 - 1470The Chimu civilization flourishes in northern coastal Peru.
c. 1375Under the rulership of Nancinpinco the Chimu conquer the Lambayeque civilization.
c. 1400Under the rulership of Minchancaman the Chimu Empire reaches its greatest extent.
c. 1470The Incas conquer the Chimu civilization based at Chan Chan.