Decebalus (c. 87-106 CE) was the king of Dacia (roughly modern-day Romania and Moldova) who fought two wars with Rome under Trajan (in 101-102 CE and 105-106 CE) in defense of his kingdom.
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85 CE - 86 CEDacians invade Moesia and defeat the Romans.
86 CEThe Roman general Cornelius Fuscus invades Dacia. He is ambushed and his army is annihilated.
87 CE - 106 CEReign of the last Dacian king, Decebalus.
88 CEResolved to avenge Fuscus' defeat, Domitian sends another army to Dacia under Tettius Iulianus. This general is victorious on the mountainous pass of Tapae, in the south-west of modern Romania.
101 CE - 106 CETrajan conquers Dacia.
113 CETrajan's column is constructed in Rome which commemorates the emperor's campaigns in Dacia.