The Dissolution of the Monasteries was a policy introduced in 1536 CE by Henry VIII of England (r. 1509-1547 CE) to close down and confiscate the lands and wealth of all monasteries in England and Wales. The plan was designed as a lucrative element of his Reformation of the Church.
More about: Dissolution of the MonasteriesDefinition
28 Nov 1534The Act of Supremacy declares Henry VIII of England the head of the Church in England and not the Pope.
1535Thomas Cromwell and a team of inspectors compile the Valor Ecclesiasticus, a record of all the wealth and income of monastic institutions in England and Wales.
1536Henry VIII of England and Thomas Cromwell push a bill through Parliament which begins the Dissolution of the Monasteries in England and Wales.
Oct 1536 - Dec 1536The Pilgrimage of Grace, a popular uprising against religious changes made by Henry VIII of England, marches in the north of England.
1539Parliament passes an act to close all monasteries in England and Wales regardless of size.
Mar 1540Waltham Abbey in Essex is the last monastery to close in England.