Ancient Egyptian culture flourished between c. 6000 BCE with the rise of technology (as evidenced in the glasswork of faience) and 30 BCE with the death of Cleopatra VII, the last Ptolemaic ruler of Egypt. It is famous today for the great monuments which celebrated the triumphs of the rulers and honored the gods of the land.
More about: Ancient Egyptian CultureDefinition
c. 6000 BCENile River Valley first inhabited.
5500 BCEOldest faience workshop in Egypt founded at Abydos.
5000 BCEOrganised farming begins in Egypt.
c. 4000 BCEDepictions of gods and afterlife on walls of Egyptian tombs.
c. 3200 BCEHieroglyphic script developed in Egypt.
3150 BCE - 2613 BCEEarly Dynastic Period in Egypt. First Kings.
2667 BCE - 2648 BCEImhotep in Egypt writes medical texts describing diagnosis and treatment of 100 diseases and 48 injuries.
c. 2560 BCEThe Great Pyramid of Giza is constructed by Pharaoh Khufu (Cheops).
c. 2500 BCEThe Great Sphinx of Giza is built.
1800 BCEBronze working introduced to Egypt.
c. 1800 BCEThe Kahun Gynecological Papyrus deals with women's health and contraception.
c. 1600 BCEEarliest Egyptian water clocks in use.
c. 1550 BCE - 1070 BCEComposition of the Egyptian Book of the Dead.
1504 BCE - 1492 BCEEgyptian empire reaches greatest extent under Thutmose I.
1479 BCE - 1458 BCEQueen Hatshepsut rules Egypt.
1279 BCE - 1212 BCEReign of Ramesses II (The Great) in Egypt.
1274 BCEBattle of Kadesh between Pharaoh Ramesses II of Egypt and King Muwatalli II of the Hittites.
c. 1264 BCE - c. 1244 BCEProbable dates for the construction of Abu Simbel.
1258 BCEThe Treaty of Kadesh between Egyptians and Hittites. The world's first peace treaty.
c. 1244 BCE - c. 1224 BCEOther probable dates for the construction of Abu Simbel.
750 BCEIron working is introduced to Egypt.
196 BCEThe Rosetta Stone was made, a stela carrying a priestly decree from the reign of Ptolemy V in three languages: Egyptian hieroglyphs, demotic and Greek script.