El Dorado ('Gilded Man' or 'Golden One') referred to the legendary kings of the Muisca (Chibcha) people who populated the northern Andes of modern-day Colombia from 600 to 1600. The name derives from the coronation ritual when the new king was covered in gold dust before he leapt into Lake Guatavita.
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600 - 1600The Muisca Civilization flourishes in northern South America.
1537Lake Guatavita discovered by Spanish conquistador Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada while on an expedition to the highlands of the Eastern Ranges of the Andes in search of gold.
1595Sir Walter Raleigh makes his first unsuccessful attempt to find El Dorado in South America.
Mar 1617Sir Walter Raleigh again attempts to find El Dorado in South America.