Ancient Greek Science


Ancient Greek science is a modern term for the application of systematic inquiry into the individual, the world, and the universe, which began in Ionia in the 6th century BCE with Thales of Miletus (l. c. 585 BCE) and continued through the work of the astronomer Ptolemy (l. 100-170 CE) to form the foundation of modern scientific method.

More about: Ancient Greek Science


  • c. 585 BCE
    Time in which Thales of Miletus lived.
  • 28 May 585 BCE
    A battle between Media and Lydia broke off immediately as a result of a total eclipse of the sun and the two armies made peace. The eclipse was successfully predicted by Thales of Miletus.
  • c. 571 BCE - c. 497 BCE
    Life of Pythagoras of Samos; claim that "number" is the First Cause of existence and the soul is immortal.
  • c. 546 BCE
    Date of Anaximenes' work; air is claimed as the First Cause of existence.
  • c. 450 BCE
    Empedocles suggests that all things are made from combinations of the four elements; earth, fire, water and air.
  • 384 BCE - 322 BCE
    Life of Aristotle.
  • c. 310 BCE - c. 230 BCE
    Life of Greek astronomer and mathematician Aristarchus of Samos.
  • c. 300 BCE
    Beginnings of the discipline of botany, as Theophrastus writes Enquiry into Plants and The Causes of Plants.
  • 287 BCE - 212 BCE
    Life of Archimedes, physician, mathematician and engineer.
  • c. 190 BCE - c. 120 BCE
    Life of Hipparchus of Nicea, the ancient Greek mathematician, astronomer and geographer considered the greatest astronomer of antiquity and among the most impressive in world history
  • 100 CE
    The mathematician and astronomer Menelaus of Alexandria lived.