Greek theatre began in the 6th century BCE in Athens with the performance of tragedy plays at religious festivals. These, in turn, inspired the genre of Greek comedy plays. The two types of Greek drama would be hugely popular and performances spread around the Mediterranean and influenced Hellenistic and Roman theatre.
More about: Ancient Greek TheatreDefinition
c. 525 BCE - c. 456 BCELife of Greek tragedy poet Aeschylus.
c. 496 BCE - c. 406 BCELife of Greek tragedy poet Sophocles.
c. 493 BCEPhrynichos' tragedy 'The Fall of Miletos' is first performed.
c. 484 BCE - 407 BCELife of Greek tragedy poet Euripides.
477 BCEPhrynichos' tragedy 'Phoencian Women' is first performed.
472 BCEAeschylus' tragedy 'Persians' is first performed.
468 BCESophocles wins his first tragedy competition (title unknown).
467 BCEAeschylus' tragedy 'Seven Against Thebes' is first performed.
c. 463 BCEAeschylus' tragedy 'The Suppliants' is first performed.
c. 460 BCE - c. 380 BCELife of Greek comic poet Aristophanes.
458 BCEAeschylus' tragedy trilogy Orestia: 'Agamemnon', Libation Bearers or 'Choephori', and 'The Eumenides' is first performed.
c. 457 BCEAeschylus' tragedy 'Prometheus Bound' is first performed.
c. 442 BCESophocles' tragedy 'Antigone' is first performed.
438 BCEEuripides' tragedy 'Alcestis' is first performed.
431 BCEEuripides' tragedy 'Medeia' is first performed.
c. 430 BCEEuripides' tragedy 'Heraclidae' is first performed.
428 BCEEuripides' tragedy 'Hippolytus' is first performed.
426 BCECheimazomenae by Cratinus is first performed.
c. 425 BCEEuripides' tragedy 'Andromache' is first performed.
425 BCENumeniae by Eupolis is first performed.
425 BCEArcharnians by Aristophanes is first performed.
424 BCESatyrs by Cratinus is first performed.
424 BCEThe Knights by Aristophanes is first performed.
423 BCEThe Clouds by Aristophanes is first performed.
c. 423 BCEEuripides' tragedy 'Hecuba' is first performed.
c. 423 BCEEuripides' tragedy 'Suppliants' is first performed.
423 BCEPytine by Cratinus is first performed.
422 BCEThe Wasps by Aristophanes is first performed.
421 BCEPeace by Aristophanes is first performed.
421 BCEMaricas by Eupolis is first performed.
421 BCEFlatterers by Eupolis is first performed.
420 BCEAutolycus by Eupolis is first performed.
c. 417 BCEEuripides' tragedy 'Hercules' is first performed.
c. 416 BCEEuripides' tragedy 'Electra' is first performed.
415 BCEEuripides' tragedy 'Trojan Women' is first performed.
414 BCEThe Birds by Aristophanes is first performed.
412 BCEEuripides' tragedy 'Helen' is first performed.
c. 412 BCEEuripides' tragedy 'Iphigenia among the Taurians' is first performed.
c. 412 BCEEuripides' satyr play Cyclops is first performed.
411 BCELysistrata by Aristophanes is first performed.
411 BCEThesmophoriazusae by Aristophanes is first performed.
c. 410 BCEEuripides' tragedy 'Ion' is first performed.
409 BCESophocles' tragedy 'Philoctetes' is first performed.
409 BCEEuripides' tragedy 'Phoenissae' is first performed.
c. 408 BCEEuripides' tragedy 'Orestes' is first performed.
408 BCE - 406 BCEEuripides' tragedies 'Bacchae', 'Iphigenia at Aulis' are first performed.
405 BCEThe Frogs by Aristophanes is first performed.
401 BCESophocles' tragedy 'Oedipus at Colonus' is first performed.
c. 392 BCEEcclesiazusae by Aristophanes is first performed.
388 BCEPlutus by Aristophanes is first performed.
c. 368 BCE - 263 BCELife of Greek comic poet Philemon.
c. 342 BCE - c. 291 BCELife of Greek comic poet Menander.
316 BCEDyskolos by Menander is first performed.