The Hussite Wars (1419 to c. 1434) were a series of conflicts fought in Bohemia (modern-day Czech Republic) between followers of the reformer Jan Hus and Catholic loyalists toward the end of the Bohemian Reformation (c. 1380 to c. 1436). Although the Catholics won, the Hussites were granted the freedom of religion they had fought for.
More about: Hussite WarsDefinition
1419 - c. 1434Duration of the Hussite Wars.
1419First Defenestration of Prague ignites the Hussite Wars.
1420Hussite Forces win the Battle of Vítkov Hill against Catholic loyalists.
1421Hussite General Jan Žižka defeats Catholic forces at the Battle of Kutna Hora using mobile wagon forts.
1434Moderate Hussites align with Catholic loyalists to defeat radical Hussites at the Battle of Lipany, ending the Hussite Wars.