James Madison (1751-1836) was a statesman, diplomat, and a Founding Father of the United States, who served as the fourth US president from 1809 to 1817. He played an important role in the drafting of the United States Constitution and the implementation of the Bill of Rights, while his presidency was largely characterized by the War of 1812 against Britain.
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16 Mar 1751Birth of James Madison at the Belle Grove plantation in Virginia.
Apr 1776James Madison attends the Fifth Virginia Convention, contributes to the Virginia Declaration of Rights.
1780 - 1783James Madison serves on the Continental Congress, becomes convinced of the deficiencies of the Articles of Confederation.
29 May 1787Edmund Randolph introduces the Virginia Plan, drafted by James Madison, to the Convention, which calls for a strong federal government, a bicameral Congress, and proportional state representation.
17 Sep 178739 delegates sign the United States Constitution; the Constitution is sent to the states for ratification and the Constitutional Convention comes to an end.
Oct 1787 - May 1788The Federalist Papers are written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay under the pseudonym 'Publius', in support of the ratification of the US Constitution.
27 Jun 1788Thanks to the efforts of James Madison and John Marshall, Virginia votes to ratify the US Constitution.
15 Dec 1791The first ten amendments to the US Constitution - the Bill of Rights - are ratified.
16 Sep 1794James Madison and Dolley Payne Todd are married in Virginia.
1 May 1801The Madisons arrive in Washington, D.C. so James can take up his office as secretary of state.
4 Mar 1809Dolley Madison holds an inaugural ball for her husband's inauguration as the fourth US president.
4 Mar 1812James Madison begins his second presidential term.
1 Jun 1812President Madison asks Congress for a declaration of war against the United Kingdom which is granted 17 days later.
24 Aug 1814The British burn Washington, D.C.; Dolley Madison directs her servants to save valuables, including the Gilbert Stuart portrait of George Washington.
24 Dec 1814The Treaty of Ghent is signed, bringing an end to the War of 1812 and restoring pre-war borders.
4 Mar 1817The Madisons leave office at the end of James' second term as president.
1830The Madisons are forced to mortgage half of the Montpelier plantation to pay off the gambling debts of Dolley's son, John Payne Todd.
28 Jun 1836James Madison dies at Montpelier, at the age of 85.
12 Jul 1849Dolley Madison dies at the age of 81.