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Kahina (7th century CE) was a Berber (Imazighen) warrior-queen and seer who led her people against the Arab Invasion of North Africa in the 7th century CE. She is also known as al-Kahina, Dihya al-Kahina, Dahlia, Daya, and Dahia-al-Kahina. Although she was finally defeated, her resistance later served as a model for other freedom fighters.

More about: Kahina


  • c. 647
    Arab Invasion of North Africa moves toward the Maghreb region of Numidia.
  • 683
    Aksel of Mauretania defeats Arab forces in battle.
  • c. 686 - c. 688
    Probable dates for the death of Aksel of Mauretania in battle; Kahina comes to power shortly after.
  • c. 690 - c. 705
    Reign of al-Kahina in Numidia, North Africa.
  • c. 702 - c. 705
    Probable dates for the death of al-Kahina in battle against invading Arabs.
  • c. 705 - c. 750
    North Africa conquered by Arab invaders; populace converted to Islam.