Kievan Rus


Kievan Rus (862-1242) was a medieval political federation located in modern-day Belarus, Ukraine, and part of Russia (the latter named for the Rus, a Scandinavian people). The name Kievan Rus is a modern-day (19th century) designation but has the same meaning as 'land of the Rus,' which is how the region was known in the Middle Ages.

More about: Kievan Rus


  • c. 750
    Scandinavian settlement of Staraja Ladoga founded as trade center.
  • 862 - 879
    Reign of Varangian King Rurik, founder of the Rurikid Dynasty of Kievan Rus.
  • 862 - 1242
    Federation of Kievan Rus controls areas of modern-day Belarus, Russia, and the Ukraine.
  • 879 - 912
    Reign of Oleg of Novgorod, also known as Oleg the Prophet, in Kievan Rus.
  • c. 882
    Oleg the Prophet moves capital of Kievan Rus from Novgorod to Kiev.
  • 912 - 945
    Reign of Igor of Kiev in Kievan Rus.
  • 945
    Assassination of Igor of Kiev by Drevlians.
  • 945 - c. 963
    Olga, wife of Igor, reigns as regent for their son Sviatoslav I.
  • c. 945 - c. 950
    Olga seeks revenge on Drevlians for Igor's death.
  • c. 963 - 972
    Reign of Sviatoslav I (Sviatoslav the Brave), who expands and enriches Kievan Rus through military campaigns.
  • 972 - 980
    Reign of Yaropolk I in Kievan Rus.
  • 980 - 1015
    Reign of Vladimir I (the Great) in Kievan Rus; converts region to Eastern Orthodox Christianity.
  • c. 987
    Vladimir I sends Varangian forces to help Basil II of Constantinople; creation of the Varangian Guard.
  • 1015 - 1019
    Reign of Sviatopolk I in Kievan Rus.
  • 1019 - 1054
    Reign of Yaroslav I (the Wise) in Kievan Rus; height of the federation in every respect.
  • c. 1054 - c. 1078
    Yaroslav I's sons fight each other for control; Kievan Rus splinters.
  • c. 1078 - c. 1337
    Kievan Rus broken into separate districts and polities. .
  • 1237 - 1242
    The Mongol Invasion; Kievan Rus conquered. .