King John of England (aka John Lackland) ruled from 1199 to 1216 CE and he has gone down in history as one of the very worst of English kings, both for his character and his failures. He lost the Angevin-Plantagenet lands in France and so crippled England financially that the barons rebelled and forced him to sign the Magna Carta charter of liberties in 1215 CE.
More about: King John of EnglandDefinition
24 Dec 1167Birth of King John of England, son of Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine.
1185Henry II of England sends his son John to rule Ireland with the title of 'Lord of Ireland'.
1188 - 1189Future Richard I of England, his brother future King John of England and Philip II of France rebel against Henry II of England
29 Aug 1189King John of England marries Isabella of Gloucester.
Apr 1194Richard I of England returns to England and nominates his brother John as his official successor.
1199 - 1216Reign of King John of England.
27 May 1199King John of England is crowned in Westminster Abbey.
24 Aug 1200King John of England marries Isabella of Angouleme.
1206King John spends 115 pounds improving Rochester Castle.
c. 1207 - c. 1214King John adds towers to the walls of Dover Castle in southern England.
Sep 1209The Treaty of Norham establishes King John of England's overlordship over William I of Scotland.
Nov 1209Pope Innocent III excommunicates King John of England over a dispute over the nomination of the Archbishop of Canterbury.
1210King John of England quashes a rebellion in Ireland.
1211King John of England defeats Llywelyn of Gwynedd, aka Llywelyn the Great, in battle.
1212Prince Alexander, future Alexander II of Scotland, is knighted by King John of England in Westminster.
27 Jul 1214An army of King John of England is defeated by King Philip II of France at Bouvines.
1215 - 1217First Barons' War between King John of England and rebel barons.
15 Jun 1215The Magna Carta is signed by King John of England.
11 Oct 1215 - 30 Nov 1215King John successfully besieges Rochester Castle, then held by rebel barons.
1216Prince Louis of France briefly captures Rochester Castle.
Jan 1216 - Aug 1216King John of England and Alexander II of Scotland exchange raids into each other's territory.
Aug 1216Alexander II of Scotland meets Prince Louis, claimant to the English throne, in Canterbury.
18 Oct 1216Death of King John of England of dysentery.
28 Oct 1216Henry III of England is crowned king in Gloucester Cathedral.