Late Period of Ancient Egypt

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The Late Period of Egypt (525-332 BCE) is the era following the Third Intermediate Period (1069-525) and preceding the brief Hellenistic Period (332-323 BCE) when Egypt was ruled by the Argead officials installed by Alexander the Great prior to the rise of the Greek Ptolemaic Dynasty (323-30 BCE).

More about: Late Period of Ancient Egypt


  • 525 BCE - 331 BCE
    The Late Period of Egyptian History.
  • 525 BCE - 404 BCE
    27th Dynasty of Egypt, Persian kings rule.
  • 525 BCE - 522 BCE
    Cambyses II of Persia rules Egypt and leads campaign to Nubia.
  • 522 BCE - 486 BCE
    Darius I (The Great) rules Egypt.
  • 486 BCE - 465 BCE
    Xerxes I rules Egypt, uses country as resource for invasion of Greece.
  • 465 BCE - 424 BCE
    Artaxerxes I rules Egypt.
  • 460 BCE - 454 BCE
    Egyptian revolt of Inaros I with assistance from Greece.
  • 424 BCE - 404 BCE
    Darius II rules Egypt.
  • 404 BCE - 398 BCE
    The 28th Dynasty of Egypt under Amyrtaeus who frees Lower Egypt from the Persians.
  • 404 BCE - 358 BCE
    Artaxerxes II rules Upper Egypt.
  • 398 BCE - 380 BCE
    The 29th Dynasty of Egypt.
  • 392 BCE - 379 BCE
    Hakor rules Egypt.
  • c. 380 BCE
    Nepherites II reigns in Egypt, last king of 29th Dynasty.
  • 380 BCE - 343 BCE
    30th Dynasty of Egypt.
  • 380 BCE - 362 BCE
    Nectanebo I reigns in Egypt, founds 30th Dynasty, revives Egypt's past glory.
  • 362 BCE - 360 BCE
    Teos reigns briefly in Egypt until betrayed by his brother.
  • 360 BCE - 343 BCE
    Nectanebo II reigns in Egypt, last native Egyptian ruler.
  • 358 BCE - 338 BCE
    Reign of Artaxerxes III in Upper Egypt and all of Egypt after 343 BCE.
  • 343 BCE
    Nectanebo II defeated in battle by Artaxerxes III, Egypt taken by the Persians again.
  • 343 BCE - 331 BCE
    31st Dynasty of Egypt, Persian kings rule.
  • 336 BCE - 332 BCE
    Reign of Darius III in Egypt.
  • 331 BCE
    Persians defeated by Alexander the Great who liberates Egypt.