Legio II Augusta was a legion of the Roman army that, throughout its centuries-long history, had fought in the Cantabrian Wars of 29-19 BCE, Germanicus' German campaigns in 9 CE, the invasion of Britain in 43 CE, and Septimus Severus' Scottish campaigns in 208-211 CE. This legion was a true asset to the Roman Empire.
More about: Legio II AugustaDefinition
43 CEClaudian invasion of Britain, includes the Legio II Augusta.
60 CE - 61 CEBoudicca revolts, the Legio II Augusta does not respond to a call to arms.
83 CE - 84 CEBattle of Mons Graupius, at which the Legio II Augusta was present, but did not fight at.
208 CE - 211 CESeptimius Severus and Caracalla campaign in Scotland, much of the Legio II Augusta is deployed there.