Miltiades (c. 555-489 BCE) was the Athenian general who defeated the Persians at the Battle of Marathon in 490 BCE. The Greeks faced a Persian force of superior numbers led by the commanding admiral Datis, who had been sent by their king Darius I (549-486 BCE) to invade and subjugate Greece.
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c. 555 BCE - 489 BCELife of Miltiades.
513 BCEDarius I of Persia invades Asia Minor, Miltiades becomes Persian vassal.
499 BCEIonian Greek colonies of Asia Minor revolt against Persia; Miltiades supports them.
c. 495 BCEIonian revolt crushed by Darius I; Miltiades flees to Athens.
490 BCEThe Battle of Marathon; Miltiades commanding the Greek forces defeats the Persians.