c. 1700 BCEThe earliest written hint to a hand-drum: the Jewish tof played by Moses’s sister, Miriam, in Exodus.
c. 750 BCEThe earliest depiction of the tympanon on a bronze disc found in the Idaean Cave in Crete.
c. 575 BCEScythian Philosopher Anacharsis plays the tympanon in his celebration of the Eleusinian Mysteries, as accounted by Herodotus.
c. 525 BCEThe tympanon first appears on Greek pottery.
c. 499 BCE - c. 456 BCEAeschylus in The Edonians tells of the bull-roaring sound of the tympanon in the rites of the moon goddess, Kotys.
c. 405 BCEEuripides in The Bacchai has Dionysos tell us how the tympanon was invented by him and his Mother Goddess, Rhea.
c. 205 BCEThe tympanon is adopted by the Romans together with the cult of Magna Mater.