Myles Standish (l. c. 1584-1656 CE) was the military advisor to the Plymouth Colony who traveled with the colonists (later known as pilgrims) aboard the Mayflower in 1620 CE. The colonists were made up of members of a religious separatist congregation, who referred to themselves as Saints, and others, not of their faith, whom they called Strangers. Standish was among the Strangers, though he was known by the Leiden congregation and seems to have been sympathetic to their vision; though there is no evidence he was ever a member of their group.
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c. 1584 - 1656Life of Myles Standish, military advisor to the Plymouth Colony.
1620Myles Standish sails to North America aboard the Mayflower; one of the signers of the Mayflower Compact.
Nov 1620 - Dec 1620Myles Standish leads or participates in exploratory missions to locate a proper site for the Plymouth Colony.
Dec 1620 - Mar 1621Rose Standish, wife of Myles Standish, dies during the first winter of the Plymouth Colony.
1621Myles Standish befriends the Native American warrior Hobbamock; the two remain close friends until Hobbamock's death c. 1643 CE.
1622Myles Standish leads a preemptive strike against Native Americans thought to be planning an attack.
1624Myles Standish marries his second wife, Barbara; they have eight children.
1625 - 1626Myles Standish is sent by the Plymouth Colony to England to renegotiate the patent; he fails to do so and returns.
1628Myles Standish leads the raid on the neighboring colony of Merrymount.
1635Myles Standish retires to the farm in Duxbury with his family, Hobbamock, and Hobbamock's family.
1635 - 1656Myles Standish lives out the rest of his life on his farm, continuing to serve the colony in various capacities.