Noh Theatre


Noh (Nō) theatre is a Japanese performance art which became especially popular from the 14th century CE and which is still performed today. Noh actors, who were always male in the medieval period, famously move and make gestures in a very slow and highly stylised manner while they wear masks of particular designs which show the characters they are playing such as youths, aristocratic women, warriors, and demons. Greatly influenced by religious rituals and Buddhist themes, the plays are often concerned with moral dilemmas and the next life.

More about: Noh Theatre


  • 1333 - 1384
    Life of Kan'ami, one of the greatest of Noh theatre actors and innovators
  • c. 1350
    Noh theatre becomes popular in Japan.
  • 1363 - 1443
    Life of Zeami Motokiyo, one of the greatest of Noh theatre actors and innovators.