Olmec Civilization


The Olmec civilization, located in ancient Mexico, prospered in Pre-Classical (Formative) Mesoamerica from c. 1200 BCE to c. 400 BCE. Monumental sacred complexes, massive stone sculptures, ball games, the drinking of chocolate, and animal gods were all features of Olmec culture passed on to those peoples who followed this first great Mesoamerican civilization.

More about: Olmec Civilization


  • c. 2700 BCE
    Corn is first cultivated in Mesoamerica.
  • c. 1200 BCE
    San Lorenzo becomes the great ceremonial centre of the Olmec civilization.
  • c. 1200 BCE - c. 400 BCE
    The Olmec civilization flourishes in Mesoamerica.
  • c. 1200 BCE
    The Olmec civilization springs from the grouping of ancient villages along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico.
  • c. 900 BCE
    The centre of San Lorenzo is detroyed and monuments are defaced. La Venta becomes the Olmec capital.
  • c. 300 BCE - 400 BCE
    La Venta is destroyed, monuments are defaced and the Olmec civilization ends.