Since antiquity, pepper has always been the most important spice in the world. It played a central role in the medicines of ancient India and China, became a critical component of Roman food, and remained central in the cuisine of medieval Europe. Dreams of its acquisition drove Vasco da Gama (c. 1469-1524) around the Cape of Africa to the Indian Ocean and Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) across the Atlantic Ocean to the New World.
More about: PepperDefinition
2000 BCEPepper is widely used in Indian cooking.
400 BCEPepper is known in Greece.
30 BCEPepper is directly imported by Roman ships from India and its price decreases.
100 CE - 300 CEPepper becomes a major ingredient in Roman cooking.
408 CEAlaric I the Visigoth besieges Rome. As ransom, Rome pays 5,000 pounds of gold, 30,000 pounds of silver, 4,000 silken tunics, 3,000 hides dyed scarlet, and 3,000 pounds of pepper.