Pilgrim-Wampanoag Peace Treaty

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The Pilgrim-Wampanoag Peace Treaty is the document drafted and signed on 22 March 1621 CE between governor John Carver (l. 1584-1621 CE) of the Plymouth Colony and the sachem (chief) Ousamequin (better known by his title Massasoit, l. c. 1581-1661 CE) of the Wampanoag Confederacy. The treaty established peaceful relations between the two parties and would be honored by both sides from the day of its signage until after the death of Massasoit in 1661 CE. The primary documents relating the event of the treaty come from the Plymouth Colony's two chroniclers William Bradford (l. 1590-1657 CE) and Edward Winslow (l. 1595-1655 CE) in their works Of Plymouth Plantation (by Bradford, published 1856 CE) and Mourt's Relation (by Bradford and Winslow, published 1622 CE), both first-hand accounts of the Plymouth Colony's history.

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