Popham Colony

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The Popham Colony (1607-1608 CE, also referred to as the Sagadahoc Colony) was an English settlement established in the present-day town of Phippsburg, State of Maine, USA, in August 1607 CE. The expedition which founded the site was comprised of about 100 men and boys whose principal goal was to establish a fort and build ships. The colonists arrived in August of 1607 CE, too late to plant crops, and many returned to England that fall when food began to run out. The remainder stayed until the fall of 1608 CE. Their leader, George Popham (l. 1550-1608 CE), had died in February 1608 CE and that fall his successor, Raleigh Gilbert, decided to return home upon hearing he had inherited his father's estate; the other colonists followed him home.

More about: Popham Colony


  • 1607 - 1608
    Duration of the Popham Colony in New England.
  • Aug 1607 - Oct 1607
    Colonist John Hunt draws map of proposed settlement of Fort St. George at Popham Colony.
  • Feb 1608
    George Popham is succeeded by Raleigh Gilbert as the colony's leader.
  • 5 Feb 1608
    Death of George Popham, the colony's leader.
  • Sep 1608
    Raleigh Gilbert receives word of his inheritance back in England; Popham Colony is abandoned.
  • 1611
    Jesuit priest Pierre Biard visits the abandoned site and reports on its weaknesses.