Ridda Wars

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The Ridda Wars or the Wars of Apostasy (632-633 CE) were a series of military engagements between the armies of the Rashidun Caliphate (632-661 CE) and the renegade tribes of Arabia. The rebels had renounced their allegiance with the nascent Islamic Empire after the death of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad (l. 570-632 CE), some tribal leaders had even gone as far as to claim prophethood for themselves, bringing them in conflict with Islam and the Caliphate. Within a year, the Caliphate cemented its control over the whole of Arabia using a potent mixture of active warfare and diplomacy; every sign of rebellion was subdued. With control established at home, Abu Bakr launched successful invasions into Syria and Iraq.

More about: Ridda Wars


  • 632 - 633
    Ridda Wars (Wars of Apostacy): re-unification of the Arabian Peninsula under the banner of Islam.
  • 632 - 634
    Abu Bakr becomes the first caliph (successor to Muhammad) of the Rashidun Caliphate.
  • Dec 632
    Battle of Yamama: Musaylimah (the Arch Liar) is killed in battle.
  • 633
    Invasion of Syria and Iraq initiated.
  • Mar 633
    Last rebels from the Hadhramaut region are subjugated in the Ridda Wars.