Romanos I Lekapenos (“the Ignorant”) was emperor of the Byzantine Empire from 920 to 944 CE. Of Armenian descent, he was a military commander who usurped the throne to rule as co-emperor with the rightful heir, but still minor, Constantine VII (r. 945-959 CE). Achievements made during his reign include peace with Bulgaria, a reconciliation between the conflicting sides of the church over how many marriages an emperor could have, and the instigation of land reforms to prevent the aristocracy gobbling up peasant lands. There were also significant gains made in expanding the empire in Mesopotamia and Armenia, including the acquisition of Melitene and several frontier fortresses.
More about: Romanos IDefinition
c. 870Birth of Byzantine emperor Romanos I.
920 - 944Reign of Byzantine emperor Romanos I Lekapenos.
920Romanos I's Tome of Union reconciles the rift in the Byzantine Church caused by Leo VI's third and fourth marriages.
922Byzantine emperor Romanos I passes a law to protect the land of the peasantry.
934A Byzantine army captures Melitene in Cappadocia.
941Greek Fire is used by Romanos I's fleet against a Russian fleet attacking Constantinople.
941Byzantine Emperor Romanos I grants pension rights to the monks on Mount Athos.
943A Byzantine army led by John Kourkouas captures the border Mesopotamians fortresses of Nisibis, Dara, Amida, and Martyropolis.
944A Byzantine army led by John Kourkouas besieges Edessa. The Mandylion icon is taken to Constantinople
Dec 944Byzantine emperor Romanos I is banished to a monastery by his own sons.
15 Jun 948Death of Byzantine emperor Romanos I.