Rudolf Hess (1894-1987) was deputy leader of the German Nazi Party and a key figure in the fascist regime of Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) until his bizarre decision in 1941 to fly to Scotland. Hess believed he could persuade Britain to withdraw from the Second World War (1939-45), which would allow Germany to concentrate on fighting the USSR.
More about: Rudolf HessDefinition
1894 - 1987Life of the top Nazi Rudolf Hess.
26 Apr 1894Rudolf Hess is born in Alexandria, Egypt.
1919Rudolph Hess joins the Freikorps Epp.
1920Rudolph Hess joins the German Nazi Party.
1923 - 1924Rudolf Hess serves a prison term for his role in the Beer Hall Putsch.
1925 - 1932Rudolf Hess serves as Adolf Hitler’s private secretary.
Dec 1932Rudolf Hess is appointed the head of the Nazi Party’s Central Political Committee.
Apr 1933Rudolf Hess is made the deputy Führer in Germany.
1939Adolf Hitler appoints Rudolf Hess his official successor after Hermann Göring.
10 May 1941Rudolf Hess flies to Scotland to try and make peace with Britain.
1946Rudolf Hess is found guilty at the Nuremberg Trials and sentenced to life imprisonment.
17 Aug 1987Rudolf Hess hangs himself in Spandau Prison.