Spanish Empire Timeline


  • 1492 - 1493
    First Voyage of Christopher Columbus to the New World in three ships in an attempt to establish maritime trade routes to the East.
  • 1494
    A Spanish settlement is founded at La Isabela on the island of Hispaniola.
  • 7 Jun 1494
    Portugal and Spain sign the Treaty of Tordesillas which divides the world into two spheres of influence.
  • 1498
    The Spanish settlement of Santo Domingo on Hispaniola is founded.
  • 1502
    The encomienda system is first applied to the Americas on the island of Hispaniola.
  • 1503
    The use of the system of encomienda in the Spanish Empire receives approval from the Spanish monarchy.
  • 1508
    The Spanish first settle on Puerto Rico.
  • 1510
    The Spanish found Nombre de Dios in Panama.
  • 1511 - 1513
    Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar conducts the Spanish conquest of Cuba.
  • 1511
    The Spanish first settle on Cuba.
  • 1511
    The audiencia is formed in Santo Domingo, the first in the Spanish empire.
  • 1512
    The Laws of Burgos set out how indigenous peoples should be treated within the Spanish Empire.
  • 1513
    The jurist Juan López de Palacios Rubios is tasked with drafting the Spanish Requirement.
  • Mar 1513 - Apr 1513
    Juan Ponce de León lands in Florida, the first documented European to do so.
  • Jun 1513
    Juan Ponce de León discovers the Tortugas and the Gulf Stream.
  • 19 Jun 1513
    The notary Rodrigo de Colmemares reads out the Spanish Requirement for the first time to indigenous people in Colombia.
  • Mar 1518
    Charles I of Spain formally accepts the proposal of Ferdinand Magellan to sail to Asia via the Americas.
  • Apr 1518
    Juan de Grijalva leads an expedition to explore the eastern coast of Mexico.
  • 1519
    The Spanish found the city of Panama.
  • 1519
    Veracruz, Mexico is founded by Hernán Cortés.
  • Nov 1519
    Motecuhzoma II receives Hernán Cortés at the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan.
  • c. 1520 - 1789
    Spanish treasure fleets transport the riches of the Americas to Spain.
  • 30 Jun 1520
    The bloody retreat of Hernán Cortés from Tenochtitlan known as the Noche Triste ('Sad Night').
  • 1521
    Juan Ponce de León leads a second expedition to Florida to found a Spanish colony. His party is attacked and he dies of his wounds in Cuba.
  • 13 Aug 1521
    The Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan falls into the hands of Spanish forces led by Hernán Cortés.
  • 1522
    Jean de Fleury (aka Florin) captures three Spanish treasure ships off Cape Vincent.
  • May 1523
    Hernán Cortés is appointed the first governor of the colony of New Spain (Mexico).
  • 1524 - 1834
    The Council of the Indies governs Spanish territories in the Americas.
  • 1524 - 1525
    Francisco Pizarro leads his first voyage of exploration to South America.
  • Aug 1524
    The Council of the Indies is formed to govern Spanish colonies in the Americas.
  • 1526
    Francisco Pizarro leads his second voyage of exploration to South America.
  • 1527
    The audiencia is formed in Mexico City (formerly Tenochtitlan).
  • Jul 1529
    Francisco Pizarro receives royal backing to explore South America.
  • c. 1530
    The first Spanish galleons come into operation.
  • Dec 1530
    Francisco Pizarro leaves Panama for his thrid voyage of exploration to South America.
  • 1532
    Francsico Pizarro and the Spanish conquistadors arrive in South America.
  • 15 Nov 1532
    Hernando de Soto reads out the Spanish Requirement to the Inca ruler Atahualpa.
  • 16 Nov 1532
    Battle of Cajamarca where the Inca leader Atahualpa is captured and held for ransom by Spanish forces led by Francisco Pizarro.
  • 15 Nov 1533
    Francisco Pizarro takes the Inca capital of Cuzco.
  • 1535
    Don Antonio de Mendoza is made the first viceroy of New Spain (Mexico and Central America).
  • 18 Jan 1535
    Francsico Pizarro founds Lima (Ciudad de Los Reyes) as the capital of Spanish Peru.
  • Jul 1535
    Diego de Almagro leads a 20-month long expedition to explore Chile.
  • 6 May 1536
    An Inca army led by Manco Inca attackes the Spanish conquistadors in Cusco.
  • 1542
    The New Laws unsuccessfully attempt to reduce the application of the encomienda system in the Spanish Empire.
  • 1543
    The Spanish Viceroyalty of Peru (the former Inca territory) is established.
  • Aug 1550
    The Valladolid debate between Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda and Bartolomé de Las Casas on how indigenous peoples in the Spanish Americas should be treated.
  • 1555
    Captain-General Pedro Menendez de Avilés begins a system of large and escorted convoys for the Spanish treasure fleets.
  • Jul 1555
    The French privateer Jacques de Sores brutally attacks Havana.
  • 1565 - 1815
    The Manila galleons each year take eastern trade goods from Manila to Acapulco (and return with American silver).
  • 1572 - 1573
    Francis Drake explores Panama and seizes a Spanish silver mule train.
  • 1573
    Spanish royal regulations are issued on town planning in Spanish America.
  • 1573
    Philip II of Spain prohibits the application of the encomienda system in any new territories of the Spanish Empire.
  • c. 1575 - 1820
    The repartimiento system of forced labour is practised in the Spanish Empire.
  • Mar 1579
    Francis Drake captures the Spanish treasure ship Nuestra Señora de la Concepción (aka Cacafuego).
  • 1596
    Portobelo replaces Nombre de Dios as the chief Atlantic port in Panama.
  • 1599
    Dutch ships begin to take salt from Araya on the coast of Venezuela.
  • 1620 - 1697
    Buccaneers operate in the Caribbean and attack both ports and ships along the Spanish Main.
  • 1622
    The Nuestra Señora de Atocha Spanish treasure ship is wrecked in a storm off the Florida Keys.
  • Sep 1628
    A Dutch force led by Admiral Hein captures the entire New Spain treasure fleet on its way to Havana.
  • Apr 1669
    A buccaneer force led by Henry Morgan captures the port of Maracaibo. on the Spanish Main.
  • 1681
    The Nuestra Señora de Encarnación Spanish treasure ship is wrecked in a storm off the coast of Panama.
  • 1697
    The conquest of the Maya Civilization completed by the Spanish conquistador Martín de Ursúa.
  • c. 1700
    The encomienda system goes into decline in most parts of the Spanish Empire.
  • 1714
    The military responsibilities of the Council of the Indies are transferred to the Spanish Ministry of the Navy and the Indies.
  • 1739
    The Spanish Viceroyalty of New Granada (Venezuela and Colombia) is established.
  • 1763
    The Treaty of Paris sees Spain cede Florida to Britain.
  • 1800
    Louisiana is ceded to France by the Spanish.