Ancient Timekeeping


The passage of time has always been a preoccupation of human beings, whether it be a question of satisfying basic needs such as when to eat and sleep, the importance of seasons for migratory and agricultural purposes or a more sophisticated measuring of time into defined periods of weeks, days and hours.

More about: Ancient Timekeeping


  • c. 1600 BCE
    Earliest Egyptian water clocks in use.
  • c. 450 BCE
    Parapegma star calendar invented in Greece by Meton and Euctemon.
  • c. 450 BCE
    First klepsydra - water timekeeping device - used in Athens.
  • c. 275 BCE
    Ctesibius invents first sophisticated multi-cogged water-clock.
  • c. 159 BCE
    First water-clock set up in Rome.
  • c. 110 BCE - c. 50 BCE
    Tower of The Winds by Andronicus constructed in Athens.
  • c. 50 BCE
    Antikythera instrument invented, an astronomical measuring device.