Tyre (in modern-day Lebanon) is one of the oldest cities in the world, dating back over 4,000 years, during which it has been inhabited almost continuously. It was one of the most important, and at times the dominant, city of Phoenicia, whose citizens claimed it had been founded by the great god Melqart.
More about: TyreDefinition
c. 2750 BCEThe city of Tyre is founded.
c. 1200 BCE - c. 800 BCEFirst wave of Phoenician colonization where largely trading-posts are founded throughout the Mediterranean.
1100 BCE - 725 BCEDecline of Byblos as the sister city of Tyre rises in prominence.
c. 1000 BCEHeight of Tyre's power.
969 BCE - 936 BCEHiram I reigns as king of Tyre.
935 BCE - 919 BCEBaal-eser I reigns as king of Tyre.
918 BCE - 910 BCEAbdastrato reigns as king of Tyre.
909 BCE - 898 BCEMethustratos reigns as king of Tyre.
897 BCE - 889 BCEAstharymos reigns as king of Tyre.
888 BCEPhelles reigns as king of Tyre.
887 BCE - 856 BCEIthobaal I reigns as king of Tyre.
855 BCE - 830 BCEBaal-asor II reigns as king of Tyre.
829 BCE - 821 BCEMattan II rules as king of Tyre.
820 BCE - 774 BCEPygmalion rules as king of Tyre.
c. 814 BCETraditional founding date for the Phoenician colony of Carthage by Tyre.
c. 800 BCE - 600 BCESecond stage of Phoenician colonization where trading-posts become full colonies throughout the Mediterranean.
750 BCE - 740 BCEIthobaal II reigns as king of Tyre.
739 BCE - 730 BCEHiram II reigns as king of Tyre.
730 BCE - 729 BCEMattan II rules as king of Tyre.
729 BCE - 694 BCEElulaios rules as king of Tyre.
680 BCE - 640 BCEBaal I reigns as king of Tyre.
586 BCE - 572 BCENebuchadnezzar II of Babylon besieges Tyre, unsuccessfully.
585 BCENebuchadnezzar's armies destroy the Phoenician settlement at Tel Kabri.
332 BCEConquest of the Levant by Alexander the Great who destroys Tyre.
Jan 332 BCE - Jul 332 BCEAlexander the Great besieges and conquers Tyre.
c. 301 BCE - c. 195 BCETyre, as all other Phoenician cities, belongs to the Ptolemies, rulers of hellenistic Egypt.
c. 195 BCEAfter the battle at Panion, the Seleucids finally take the rule of Phoenicia from the Ptolemies. Tyre and the other Phoenician cities will remain in the Seleucid power until the Roman conquest of Syria.
195 BCEFacing the threat of being handed to the Romans after the Second Punic War, Hannibal flees to the Seleucid court of Antiochus III and becomes his advisor.
64 BCETyre becomes a Roman colony.