War of 1812


The War of 1812 (1812-1815), referred to by some contemporaries as the Second American Revolution, was fought between the United States and the United Kingdom. Often remembered only as a sideshow to the Napoleonic Wars, the war had some long-term impacts like the reduction of Native American political power and the strengthening of US and Canadian national identities.

More about: War of 1812


  • 22 Jun 1807
    HMS Leopard fires at the USS Chesapeake off the coast of Virginia, killing 3 American sailors and wounding 18.
  • 1 Jun 1812
    President Madison asks Congress for a declaration of war against the United Kingdom which is granted 17 days later.
  • 24 Dec 1814
    The Treaty of Ghent is signed, bringing an end to the War of 1812 and restoring pre-war borders.