Xerxes I (l. 519-465, r. 486-465 BCE), also known as Xerxes the Great, was the king of the Persian Achaemenid Empire. His official title was Shahanshah which, though usually translated as `emperor', actually means `king of kings'. He is identified as the Ahasuerus of Persia in the biblical Book of Esther (although his son, Artaxerxes I, is also a possibility as is Artaxerxes II) and is referenced at length in the works of Herodotus, Diodorus Siculus, Quintus Curtius Rufus, and, to a lesser extent, in Plutarch. Herodotus is the primary source for the story of his expedition to Greece. The name `Xerxes' is the Greek version of the Persian `Khshayarsa' (or Khashyar Shah), and so he is known in the west as `Xerxes' but in the east as `Khshayarsa'.
More about: Xerxes IDefinition
486 BCEXerxes succeeds to the throne of Persia after the death of Darius I.
485 BCE - 465 BCEReign of Xerxes I (the Great) of Persia.
485 BCEBabylon is destroyed by Xerxes, King of Persia.
Jul 480 BCEXerxes I makes extensive preparations to invade mainland Greece by building depots, canals and a boat bridge across the Hellespont.
Aug 480 BCEThe indecisive battle of Artemision between the Greek and Persian fleets of Xerxes I. The Greeks withdraw to Salamis.
Aug 480 BCEBattle of Thermopylae. 300 Spartans under King Leonidas and other Greek allies hold back the Persians led by Xerxes I for three days but are defeated.
Sep 480 BCEBattle of Salamis where the Greek naval fleet led by Themistocles defeats the invading armada of Xerxes I of Persia.
479 BCEXerxes' Persian forces are defeated by Greek forces at Plataea effectively ending Persia's imperial ambitions in Greece.
478 BCESparta withdraws from alliance against Persia.
c. 478 BCEXerxes I builds the Gate of All Nations, the Hall of 100 Columns and the grand Palace of Xerxes.