The Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BCE) was among the most culturally significant of the early Chinese dynasties and the longest lasting of any in China's history, divided into two periods: Western Zhou (1046-771 BCE) and Eastern Zhou (771-256 BCE). It followed the Shang Dynasty (c. 1600-1046 BCE), and preceded the Qin Dynasty (221-206 BCE, pronounced “chin”) which gave China its name.
More about: Zhou DynastyDefinition
1046 BCE - 771 BCEWestern Zhou dynasty replaces the Shang Dynasty in China.
841 BCE - 828 BCEGonghe Regency in the Western Zhou Dynasty. During this period, King Li of Zhou was exiled and the country was ruled by two dukes.
772 BCE - 476 BCEThe Spring and Autumn Period in China.
771 BCE - 256 BCEEastern Zhou Dynasty in China.
771 BCEFollowing nomadic attacks in the west, the Chinese Zhou dynasty moves its capital east to Luoyang. Beginning of Eastern Zhou Period.
551 BCE - 479 BCELife of Confucius.
c. 500 BCEProbable life of the Chinese philosopher Lao-Tzu, founder of Taoism and author of the Tao-Te-Ching.
c. 481 BCE - 221 BCEWarring States Period in China.
364 BCEDuke Xin, ruler of Qin, is awarded the title of Hegemon by the Zhou state.
343 BCEXiao, ruler of Qin, is awarded the title of Hegemon by the Zhou state.
326 BCEHuiwen, ruler of Qin, is awarded royal status by the Zhou state.
256 BCEThe army of the state of Qin captures the city of Chengzhou and the last Zhou ruler, King Nan, is killed. End of the Zhou Dynasty.
256 BCEThe Qin absorbs the remains of the Zhou state.