Corinth was a Greek, Hellenistic and Roman city located on the isthmus which connects mainland Greece with the Peloponnese. Surrounded by fertile plains and blessed with natural springs, ancient Corinth was a centre of trade, had a naval fleet and participated in various Greek wars.
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c. 5000 BCEEarliest Neolithic finds in the Corinth area.
1074 BCEAletes, the last Dorian king of Late Bronze Age Corinth, is deposed.
926 BCE - 891 BCEBacchis, a descendent of Aletes, becomes king of Corinth.
c. 750 BCEThe Bacchiadae take power in Corinth.
c. 733 BCETraditional date when Corinth founds a colony on Corcyra.
733 BCECorinth founds the colony of Syracuse in Sicily.
c. 700 BCECorinthians adopt the trireme from the Phoenicians.
660 BCECorcyra wins a naval battle against their founding city of Corinth.
c. 657 BCE - 585 BCEThe Kypselidai are tyrants of Corinth.
c. 627 BCE - c. 587 BCEPeriander is tyrant at Corinth.
c. 625 BCEBlack-figure pottery created in Corinth.
c. 625 BCE - 600 BCEThe orientalizing style of Greek pottery becomes popular in Corinth.
c. 620 BCE - 600 BCEProto-corinthian reaches its zenith in artistic quality producing the best pottery in Greece.
585 BCEAn oligarchy of 80 takes power at Corinth.
580 BCEFirst athletic games at Isthmia.
c. 550 BCE - c. 366 BCEPeloponnesian League alliance between Sparta, Corinth, Elis and Tegea which establishes Spartan hegemony over the Peloponnese.
c. 550 BCEThe temple of Apollo is constructed at Corinth.
525 BCESparta and Corinth unsuccessfully attack Polycrates of Samos.
433 BCEA naval battle between the victorious combined forces of Corcyra and Athens against Corinth.
429 BCEAthens successfully campaigns in the Corinthian Gulf regions during the Peloponnesian War.
c. 411 BCE - c. 337 BCELife of Corinthian general Timoleon.
395 BCE - 386 BCEThe Corinthian Wars between Sparta and an alliance of Athens, Corinth, Argos, Boeotia and Thebes.
c. 354 BCEXenophon dies at Corinth.
338 BCEPhilip of Macedonia defeats the Greek allied forces of Athens, Thebes and Corinth in the Battle of Chaironeia.
243 BCECorinth joins the Archaean League.
243 BCECorinth is attacked and brought into the Achaean League.
225 BCEMacedonians bring an army across the Isthmus to face another Achaian force trying to take Corinth.
146 BCERome sacks Corinth and dissolves the Achaean league. Greece is ruled by Rome.
44 BCEJulius Caesar founds the Roman colony of Corinth.
67 CEUnder Nero excavation of the Corinth Canal begins but is abandoned after three months.
267 CEThe Goths sack Athens, Corinth, Sparta, and Argos.
c. 396 CECorinth burned by the Visigoths under Alaric.