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Pericles (l. 495–429 BCE) was a prominent Greek statesman, orator, and general during the Golden Age of Athens. The period in which he led Athens, in fact, has been called the Age of Pericles due to his influence, not only on his city's fortunes, but on the whole of Greek history during the 5th century BCE and even after his death.

More about: Pericles


  • c. 495 BCE
    Birth of Pericles.
  • 470 BCE
    Pericles enters politics.
  • 463 BCE
    Pericles leads a prosecution of Cimon on charges of corruption but he is acquitted.
  • 462 BCE - 461 BCE
    Radicalisation of democracy in Athens; Cimon exiled, Pericles comes to exercise influence.
  • c. 462 BCE - 458 BCE
    Pericles introduces democratic institutions in Athens.
  • 461 BCE - 429 BCE
    Pericles is ruler of Athens.
  • 460 BCE - 429 BCE
    The Age of Pericles. Athenian Agora is rebuilt, construction of Parthenon.
  • 454 BCE
    Pericles leads his first military expedition in Sicyon and Acarnania.
  • 453 BCE
    Pericles erects trophy at Nemea after Athenian victory over the Sikyonians.
  • c. 450 BCE
    Pericles oversees a significant rebuilding programme at Eleusis.
  • 448 BCE
    Pericles leads the Athenian forces in the Battle of Delphi.
  • 447 BCE
    Barbarians are expelled from Gallipoli by Pericles' army.
  • 28 Jul 447 BCE
    Reconstruction and creation of the Acropolis of the Classical Period begins under Pericles' leadership.
  • 440 BCE
    Pericles leads the Athenian navy in the seige against Samos
  • 431 BCE
    Athens invades Megara.
  • 429 BCE
    The death of Pericles from the plague.
  • c. 425 BCE
    Kresilas sculpts the idealised portrait statue of Pericles which in antiquity was much copied as a bust.