A praetor was a senior magistrate in ancient Roman government, who was granted executive or imperium powers similar to that of the consuls. Although originally assigned legal authority over the courts, his executive powers allowed him to command the army and, if needed, even preside over the Roman Senate. Candidates usually had to serve as a praetor before they could stand election to the consulship.
More about: PraetorDefinition
367 BCEThe Licino-Sextian rogations establish the office a third praetor; the original two are renamed consuls.
337 BCEThe first plebeian praetor is elected.
228 BCEThe number of praetors is increased to four.
c. 226 BCEMarcus Claudius Marcellus is made a praetor.
180 BCEThe Lex Villia Annalis sets the minimum age of each magistracy in the Roman government.
73 BCEMarcus Licinius Crassus is made praetor.