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Confucianism in Ancient Korea
Article by Mark Cartwright

Confucianism in Ancient Korea

Principles of Confucianism were adopted by successive dynasties and kingdoms in ancient Korea, and the study of classic Confucian texts was an important part of education and entrance examinations for the state administration. Confucianism...
Shamanism in Ancient Korea
Article by Mark Cartwright

Shamanism in Ancient Korea

Shamanism was widely practised in Korea from prehistoric times right up to the modern era. It is a belief system which originated in north-east Asian and Arctic cultures, and although the term shamanism has since acquired a wider meaning...
The Tombs of Goguryeo
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Tombs of Goguryeo

Goguryeo (Koguryo) ruled northern Korea during the Three Kingdoms period from the 1st century BCE to 7th century CE, and the best evidence of the kingdom's prosperity and artistry can be found in the many surviving tombs of the period. The...
The Magical Lullaby of Ancient Egypt
Article by Joshua J. Mark

The Magical Lullaby of Ancient Egypt

The Magical Lullaby (popularly known as Charm for the Protection of a Child) is an inscription from the 16th or 17th century BCE. The poem exemplifies the ancient Egyptian's personal religious and spiritual practices as it is a spell which...
A Ghost Story of Ancient Egypt
Article by Joshua J. Mark

A Ghost Story of Ancient Egypt

The best-known ghost story from ancient Egypt is known, simply, as A Ghost Story but sometimes referenced as Khonsemhab and the Ghost. The story dates from the late New Kingdom of Egypt (c. 1570 - c.1069 BCE) and specifically the Ramesside...
The Tomb of King Muryeong
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Tomb of King Muryeong

The tomb of king Muryeong is perhaps one of the most impressive tombs from the Baekje kingdom of ancient Korea, both in its design and the treasure found inside it. Muryeong-Wang (also Munyeong or Muryong) reigned from 501 to 523 CE. Baekje...
The Bronze Bells of Ancient Korea
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Bronze Bells of Ancient Korea

The metalworkers of ancient Korea were highly skilled artists and some of their finest surviving works are the large bronze bells cast for use in Buddhist temples and monasteries. Both the Unified Silla kingdom and Goryeo kingdom produced...
Aristotle's On the Heavens
Article by Dylan Campbell

Aristotle's On the Heavens

One of Aristotle's more famous quotes was, "All men naturally desire knowledge" ("πάντες ἄνθρωποι τοὺ εἰδέναι ὀρὲγονται φύσει") (Aristotle, Metaphysics, 1.980a.22). As a classical Greek philosopher, an ideology like this is required for producing...
The Gold Crowns of Silla
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Gold Crowns of Silla

The Silla Kingdom ruled south-eastern Korea during the Three Kingdoms period (1st century BCE - 7th century CE) and then, as the Unified Silla Kingdom, all of Korea from 668 to 935 CE. The Silla produced fine pieces of art, but their most...
The Delian League, Part 6: The Decelean War and the Fall of Athens (413/2-404/3 BCE)
Article by Christopher Planeaux

The Delian League, Part 6: The Decelean War and the Fall of Athens (413/2-404/3 BCE)

This text is part of an article series on the Delian League. The sixth and last phase of the Delian League begins with the Decelean War, also referred to as the Ionian War, and ends with the surrender of Athens (413/2 – 404/3 BCE). The final...